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Sandra Delgadillo/Movingforwarddanceco

Can strangers connect by dancing with each other? This was the question that inspired the choreographer Sandra Carolina Delgadillo Porcel to make the production Omnetan - which means ‘to meet someone coincidentally’ - with 35 dancers from Kortrijk.

She asked each of the dancers to add one nostalgic song to a playlist: a track from the past that is timeless, that makes you dream about both the past and the future. The memories and the magic that the music evokes in the dancers is the basis for the production. The encounters between the different performers represents a story that goes like a film: each scene is a separate ‘episode’, but part of a greater whole.

In the daytime you can see certain scenes in the streets of Kortrijk. If you would like to see the entire production, you can book a ticket for the performance in the evening.


Nis olv, ingang 1302, achterkant 1302


Free entry, drop by spontaneously