Have you always wanted to dance to live music? Or do you just want to take part in Dansstorm? Then this open call is for you! Brassband Hombeek is looking for dancers who will perform something to live music at the festival. Dance style, age or body, solo or in a group, choreographed or impro, it all doesn’t matter! You provide the dance, the brass band provides the music. It is more of a collaboration than a co-creation, which will charm dancing Mechelen.
Brassband Hombeek is a group of 30 passionate brass players and drummers who don’t like to stick to the beaten path. Their work results in musical fireworks, but they create just as much of a surprise with warm, soft notes. They perform more or less every genre in the musical spectrum: classical, film music, marches and jazz, but they prefer original, new music.
Practical information
Want to dazzle with Brassband Hombeek at Dansstorm? Send an e-mail to stan@nieuwenhuis.be.